My name is Cosmina, 29 years old (I feel as 18), from Europa, I have 3 years old experience in streaming, never maryed, no boyfriend, I live alone. I am very sensitive person but I can be very cold, yes both in same time!!! because this I have choosed this name (Dom, Sub, Lady) , even it appears to be a contradiction, a nonsense, for me all is possible. Sometimes I feel submissive, sometimes I like to take the control over my partener, sometimes I like to be equals. I like to read very much, I m very creative, I like improving myself daily, here and in my personal life… and my purpose is to be in top here, so I trust on u guys that we will have great moments together, nice experiences with intense pleasure of both sides, or if I m sub as u decide for me. My new passion is to read about sex, watch porns discover much more my sexuality, explore it… I invite u, in my room, to talk and to explore each other and even u aren t in the mood, and u are looking for somebody for advices, u feel hurted or lost, I m here also, because I have and lots of love to offer. I love my job, and I do it with pleasure, hope u can feel this, I love my freedom, I love my lifestyle….and I want be as much as possible here for u…12-14 hours per day.. kisessssss.. I love discover people, personalities, cocks, fantesies, fetishes… I love diversity and unicity..and to make people to vibrate… to feel vibrations in their cocks, bodyes, balls, hair..all over…stimulate all… eyes, cocks, mind, soul…
High Heels, Nylon, Strumpfhose, Buttplug, Devot
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